If you are struggling with getting started because of the lye, my heart goes out to you…

I was scared too. Believe it or not, a fear of lye caused me to put off soap making for 17 years. I gathered all the supplies and was too scared to try it. Don’t be like me. Just be safe.

Always wear eye protection, gloves, long sleeves and pants, closed-toed shoes… I wore a face mask, and on my second batch, it caused my goggles to fog up. This caused me to be unsafe. When I adjusted my goggles, I had a speck of lye on the thumb of my gloved hand. It touched my cheek and started to burn. I rinsed for 15 minutes until there was no slimy feeling. Never use vinegar for skin, only on other surfaces because it intensifies the burning by speeding up the neutralization. (My cheek is fine by the way.)

It taught me some valuable lessons. Don’t wear anything over your mouth that will cause your goggles to fog up. If you want to cover your mouth, wear a face shield. Also, inspect your gloved hands after handling lye. Wash them and wash the surfaces of your work area before you continue making soap.

Use a plastic or stainless steel container to mix your water and lye, not glass (it will etch and can eventually shatter.) I use a funnel pitcher which is polypropylene. The recycle code on the bottom should be a 2 or a 5 for high-density polyethylene or polypropylene. The others are brittle plastics and can melt if exposed to lye water for too long. (Now I use a stainless steel pitcher, even better!)

I would suggest freezing some distilled water like I do and using that for 1/3 to 1/2 of your water weight. The heating up causes fumes, and I don’t smell anything when I use ice cubes.

Always add the lye to the water and not the other way around. Remember, “snow falls on the lake.”

And, always cool your lye/water in a well-ventilated area that is safe from any kids or pets.

Bottom line: Don’t wait 17 years to conquer your fear. If you are careful and follow safety procedures, you will be safely making soap in no time.


Tree Marie Recipes


1 thought on “DON’T BE LIKE ME”

  1. Muchas Gracias, siempre hice jabones con su base ya preparada y glicerina. Ya tengo todos los materiales para comenzar a hacer mi primer CP el viernes. Soy novata en esto de CP. Leo mucho el grupo y así he aprendido bastante. Muchas Gracias por su tiempo y dedicación a enseñar a otros su conocimiento.

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